Mount Washington Cog Railway

Mount Washington Cog Railway

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Information Mount Washington Cog Railway
3168 Base Station Road
Mt. Washington NH 03589

(603) 278-5404
Mount Washington Observatory Per the MWOBS donation web page:

"We all have a connection to our environment – where we live, where we work, where we play - and it is changing. We watch shifting seasons and observe more frequent storms. We see changes in water levels, notice variations in crop cycles, spot wildlife habitat changes. Here at the Mount Washington Observatory, our job is to record weather data every hour – facilitating a data-driven approach to the science of a changing environment. We are THE source for mountain weather and climate data as well as the research to understand these changes.

We make sure that critical data is available because we do the daily and hourly things that are vital to good science. Having the technology to record weather observations 24/7, publishing meaningful forecasts, installing instruments that enhance our data set and having the human presence to observe and validate the accuracy of weather recordings -- all are crucial to continuing our incredible climate record. Our daily operation is science and an 87+ year ongoing research project!

Please assist our data collection and mountain weather science by supporting the critical everyday activities that make mountain weather and climate research possible."

For more information visit
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